Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Isn't it funny and sad at the same time that people gossip. Or assume that they know the whole story to things that they truly know nothing of. Your sin of gossip is no greater than my sins. Your words are spreading like a wild fire and are doing terrible amounts of damage. I'm a blunt person. It gets me in trouble every time. But at least I will say it. I'd rather you say something to me than talk about me. What our family is going through is our business. No ONE ELSE'S. You can cover your gossip with the "I just want you to know so you can be praying" line all you want it is still gossip. If you want to pray for us please do. But cover it with "I have a friend who covets your prayer God know who this family is, there's no need to share details just pray for them". Gossip finds a way of coming back to the person it's about. And sometimes it is through the most innocent of ears. We've told our closest friends what is going on so if you weren't told then maybe we didn't feel you needed to know. We do as a family covet your prayer. And we are struggling right now. So are many others. But please don't use our struggles to encourage your sin of gossip. Most likely if you email or text us we will share with you what God lays on our hearts to share.

"Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive."- C.S. Lewis

Proverbs 20:19 -a gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much.

James 1:2 -count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

Ephesians 4:29-
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up of others according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Its been a rough day. So here is my soap box. I am amazed at the growth or the lack of growth of Christians... I know it is not my place to judge. That's not what this is, it is more of an observation. Do you really think your numbers driven, street preaching, track passing out ministry will really work? If there isn't any follow up and you leave these people with nothing but frustration what good have you done? Frustration towards all Christians. There needs to be a relationship... not preaching. A devotion to living in a tight friendship through tough times and times of fun. Living out what you believe not just having hope that you can draw people into your building on Sundays. Take time to read what you say you believe. The Jesus I read about hung out with Murderers, outcast,and adulterers. And had a relationship with them. I don't see many churches in our area jumping up to meet these people. They would rather have the deep pocketed heavy tither. Who is going to help with their building fund. It is my observation that God still has a lot of work to do in our self-centered hearts. Mine and yours. If you have a chance look up Rob Bell. Nooma Videos- "Bull Horn" It is more deep and clear than I am.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Schools out!!!!

OK almost.... I am so ready. My kids are so ready. I LOVE summer time! So this is our normal summer day:

*7 am wake up
* 7:30 am pack up our breakfast
* 7:45 am get swim suits on
* 8 am go to the pool
* swim!!!
* take a break and eat breakfast
*10 am play at the park
* home/shower
*12 noon lunch
* nap/rest time
* chores/ clean up
* 4:30 pm Daddy Home!!!!
* 5 pm dinner prep
* 6 dinner
* walk
* bed time routine/next day prep
* Mommy/Daddy quiet time :)

I Love you summer time!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Note to parents

Do the rest of the world a favor and teach your children basic manners! Please, Thank you, your welcome, no ma'am, yes ma'am. Respect for elders. NO ONE will want to be around your child if you don't. The fruit of the spirit. Teach them to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, gentle, and to have SELF CONTROL!
I see so many students in trouble everyday who lack basic skills. And guess what in 6 years these students will be on the loose in grown up land and expected to fit into society. Don't reward bad behavior or mediocrity. Reward good behavior or going above the rest. Praise them when they do a good job. Reward verbally. Not with toys or possessions.

If you don't spank your children the rest of the world will want to.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

here we go....

May 1998....
Oct. 2000....
July 2004...
Nov. 2005....
These were the years I was supposed to go to collage and continue my education. Each time I would start to enroll I would end up having beebee's. But I have no more beebees coming. At least not that I know of. :) It would be a miracle of God. I love teaching. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I have a crazy passion for Jr. High kids. I've known this for the last 10 years. I've been blessed to teach Jr.High kids in youth ministry and in the public school system. There is something about Jr. High that is so fun. They're still reachable. By high school they've made up their minds to be a jerk or not but Jr. High you can still get to them. I love these kids. So here we go. I've enrolled to start taking classes online. It may take me years but I at least have a goal ahead of me. I've been extremely blessed to be able to stay home with all of my children and be there for them in these precious early years of life. It does scare the pee out of me to think about doing this but I know I need to go and I need to go now. I feel a underlying sense of urgency with this. I can't explain it other than like a restlessness. So I covet your prayers. Prayers for my family, me and that it will go by fast and easy on the school end of it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I love the students at Barton Middle School but, there are some students at Barton Middle School that I really love. I enjoy seeing their faces. They are so much fun to be around and make work not feel like work at all. There is one student whom I enjoy having robust dialog with. He is my little brother in Christ. His family attends a church in Austin. We get to talk about what God is doing in different areas. It is very cool. He told me a while back he had been praying for one of his teachers. And asked me if I would too. This teacher is an Atheist. And likes to announce it ever so often. Today as I was in his class with him. This young man made a bold move. He walked over to the teacher and handed him an invitation and an Easter egg. He said Mr. _______, God placed it on my heart to invite you to church this Sunday. I know you might not come. But I had to be obedient and invite you like God said." It was precious. This young mans faith and courage to do this was amazing. This teacher is pretty intimidating.... and this young man obeyed. The teacher was taken back, "Oh son I'll be playing golf this Sunday, you won't find me in a church." And the student said "How about You go to church with me and then I'll go play golf with you". The teacher smiled.... "I'll think about it. "he said I could not believe what I heard and saw. It gave me chills. I went back to the student a little later and told him how proud I was of him. God may not do anything with this.... he may never change his beliefs but there were 20 other kids in that class who witnessed this go down. And It may be a seed planted in one of their hearts. As I pray for this teachers salvation and many of these students I wonder if I would be that bold and obedient if God told me to share with someone like him. Would I brush it off and pretend I didn't hear or come up with another excuse. ..............................My fear of God is greater than my fear of man. I would much rather please him than others.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bridget opens her presents and is so precious :)